Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Things to remember when dealing with sexual problems

Things to remember when dealing with sexual problems
• Sexual problems are often the result of an unhappy relationship; they can cause further problems in the
relationship. As far as possible, work with the couple.
• Some sexual problems are related to serious physical disease, such as diabetes. Abnormal sexual
behaviour is often caused by severe mental disease.
• Depression, anxiety, and alcohol misuse can cause sexual problems.
• Confidentiality is very important; if a person shares sexual problems that he does not want the partner to
hear about, you must respect these wishes.
• People will rarely complain of sexual problems; often their main complaint may be a physical one
(such as tiredness). It is good practice to ask all people a simple question such as “How has your
relationship been with your partner recently?”
• Many sexual problems are the result of ignorance about sexual performance. Education is often the
single most effective treatment for sexual problems.

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