Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Through self-suggestion to overcome the fear of”phone”

There are a lot of things people fearing in life, such as dark, rats, snakes, etc. However,something like telephone is almost indispensable contact tools in modern society  and it  also becomes the object of some people fear: a call will be anxious.

  The usual “calling fear”can be understand. In addition to voice and facial expression, body posture, the environment can help you determine  in face-to-face communication.However,when calling ,withthe unknown  situations and less controllable factors , most people have some anxiety   in the face of “unknown”.In addition ,if the parties is cautious ,going for perfect and paying attention to his manners,then ,with the time going, the calling  becomes a very tired and very difficult  thing  naturely.Finally,if you call superior, heterosexual, customers and other relations alienated people ,you will  be more nervous and the unwell felling will be more worse.

However, it  will be a kind of "social anxiety" if forming a long time of "fear". To overcome this kind of situation,the first thing you should do is to remind yourself not being tired down by a previous "shadow". Although there was an unhappy  experience in the past, it does not mean that the phone will not smooth;Second,you  can “preview”a happy process easily and actively before making a call and give yourself some positive psychological suggestion. Finally, during the true calling,do your best  to speak loud , keep a clear voice and calm tone ,which  will  increase you  the   confidence and happy feeling, at the same time,you should smile ,your face will be passed to the others though your voice  although they  can not see your smiling face .People who received your “smile “will also give you a positive feedback.

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