Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Translating Family Recovery Principles into Practice

Translating Family Recovery Principles into Practice
with Mothers
Psychiatric rehabilitation provides a conceptual framework for thinking about recovery. Additional theories provide suggestions for specific ways of working within this larger frame. These include: (a) attachment theory !the notion that relationships matter; (b) social cognitive theory  ! the
fact that thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes are related to behavior and can be modified; and (c) motivation/behavior change theory  ! an
understanding that motivation makes a difference and is a personal thing.
In addition, we embrace a number of key concepts and processes in our approach to mothers with mental illnesses and their families. These include the concepts of: (a) family-centered, (b) strengths-based, (c) family-driven and self-determined, (d) recovery- and resilience-focused, and (e) trauma-informed. Key processes include: (f) engagement and relationship building, (g) empowerment, (h) availability and accessibility, and (i) advocacy.

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