Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

treatment of conversion disorder review

treatment of conversion disorder review Questions to ask the family or friends

• How did it start? A symptom that happened suddenly and without any previous signs of ill

health is more likely to be a conversion symptom.

• Has there been any stress recently? Enquire specifically about examinations, job problems and

marriage arrangements.

treatment of conversion disorder review Questions to ask the person with a possible conversion symptom

• How did this problem start? Check on any injuries or other physical illnesses.

• Have you been worried about something recently? Ask about problems in the family and with intimate relationships. If the person is a student, ask about school difficulties and examination performance.

• Ask about symptoms of depression and anxiety

Things to look for during the interview

• Look for obvious signs of brain disease, for example signs of paralysis of the limbs (such as holding them in a limp manner or signs of thinning muscles).

• Some people with conversion symptoms seem to be unconcerned about their symptoms even though they appear very serious. This apparent lack of concern may give a clue to the psychological origin of the symptoms.

treatment of conversion disorder review Special interview suggestions

• The person may have personal issues that are a worry for her. She will not be comfortable to share these with you if the family or other people are nearby.

• Some people become completely mute. They do not speak at all and may even appear not to be listening to you. Never get angry because of this. They are mute because they are under stress; they are not deliberately trying to make your work harder..

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