Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

types of delusions

DELUSIONS types of delusions
These are false beliefs and it is generally very difficult, if not impossible, to
change the person’s mind about their belief. The beliefs tend to be quite
strange, often bizarre and out of character. Delusions can be persecutory,
for example people might think spies are following them or that everybody
is out to get him or her. They can also be grandiose, for example
believing they are related to the royal family or that they have super
powers and can fly.
When assessing the possibility of psychotic symptoms being present,
professionals need to consider the person’s cultural and social background.
This is because in other parts of theworld people may hold different values
and beliefs that could appear abnormal in another country. These could be
mistaken for psychotic symptoms.
People with intellectual disabilities can experience psychotic
symptoms but they tend to be simple and less complex than in a person of average intelligence. For example someone with intellectual disabilitieswho is having grandiose delusions might believe that he is a qualified electrician when he is not.

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