Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

valuing people for who they are

valuing people for who they are In March 2001 the Government published its White Paper ‘Valuing People: A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the Twenty-First Century’. It was the first major policy document relating to the needs of people with intellectual disabilities in 30 years. It relates to England and
‘Valuing People’ sets out the Government’s vision on how services for
people with intellectual disabilities should be shaped and covers all areas
of a person’s life such as health, leisure, housing, employment and the
needs of carers. There are four key principles that underpin the whole
paper; these are:
‘Valuing People’ pays particular attention to the mental health needs of people with intellectual disabilities. Its main objectives include the following:
 Materials to promote positive mental health and information
about the services should be provided in an accessible format
for people with intellectual disabilities, including those from
minority ethnic backgrounds
 There should be strategies for improving access to education,
housing and employment, which will promote the mental
well-being of individuals
 Where possible people with intellectual disabilities should use
general mental health services
 If necessary, specialist staff from the intellectual disabilities
service will provide support to people in crisis resolution/home
treatment teams or other alternatives to hospital admission
wherever possible
 People who require admission to hospital should use general
mental health wards wherever possible. Each local service
should have access to a specialist facility for the small number
of people with intellectual disabilities who cannot be
appropriately admitted to a general mental health ward.

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