Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

ways to help with dementia

ways to help with dementia   If memory loss is mild, use of memory aids (e.g. writing a list, a picture diary) or reminders can be of help
 Encourage the person to make full use of their remaining abilities
 Keeping an eye on the person’s ability to perform daily tasks
safely, behavioural problems and general physical condition is
necessary. Regularly assess risk (balancing safety and
independence), especially at times of crisis Encourage maintenance of the person’s physical health and fitness through good diet and exercise, plus swift treatment of any physical illness. Physical illness or stress can increase confusion
 The person will have great difficulty in learning new
information. Avoid as much as possible places or situations
which are unfamiliar for the person
 Encourage the person to make arrangements for support in the
home, community or day care programmes, or residential
placement. Discuss planning of legal and financial affairs An assessment of the person’s needs and your own (under the Carer’s (Recognition
and Services) Act 1995) can be requested from the local social
services department. You may need continuing support after the person
has entered residential care or even after they have passed away.
It is important that you look after your own mental health and how
you are managing, especially if you look after the person alone. Consider
ways to reduce stress (e.g. self-help groups, home help, day care and respite care).
Contact with other families caring for relatives with dementia may be
helpful. Membership of a support group and information on dementia
may help carers. Ask the GP for information about local services in
addition to general advice about dementia. Information about benefits
such as Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is
available from the Alzheimer’s Society.

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