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What are specific learning disabilities? specific learning disabilities definition

What are specific learning disabilities? specific learning disabilities definition

Specific learning disability is a condition in which a child has a difficulty in a particular aspect of studies,

for example a specific difficulty with reading, spelling, writing or mathematics. Dyslexia, the specific difficulty with reading, writing and spelling, is the most common type of specific learning disability.

What are specific learning disabilities? specific learning disabilities definition These children have normal intelligence. As a result of low awareness, many children with dyslexia are considered stupid or not to be trying hard enough by their teachers. The dyslexia makes lessons hard for the child to understand. The child loses concentration and becomes bored, unhappy and frustrated, and may misbehave in the class. Failure in examinations and loss of confidence are likely.

What are specific learning disabilities? specific learning disabilities definition We do not know why some children have dyslexia; it is possible that there is a problem in the way the brain processes information. We do know, though, that dyslexia is common and that it is not the same as mental retardation. With special educational help, many children with dyslexia will do as well as other children. The kinds of problems that children with dyslexia can have are:

• difficulties with copying, spelling and writing;

• difficulties with understanding instructions;

• difficulties with numbers and mathematics;

• difficulties with reading;

• behaviour problems.

The vicious cycle of dyslexia

(A) Children with dyslexia have difficulty with their studies.

(B) This causes them to get in trouble with their teachers.

(C) This may make them lose interest in their studies and (D) they may land in even more trouble.

(E) They may eventually drop out of school.


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