Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

what are therapeutic interventions in nursing

what are therapeutic interventions in nursing If someone has a mental health problem a therapeutic intervention may
be suggested to help the person cope with illness and to make it better. For
example if someone has depression a GP or psychiatrist might prescribe
him or her some medication, or suggest counselling.
Most professionals believe that all illness has biological, psychological
and social components. Possible examples of these components are given
below for the illness tuberculosis:
 The biological component: infection with bacteria and the
person’s level of immunity
 The psychological component: the way the person reacts
emotionally to their illness; for instance, do they go to see the
doctor as soon as they realize they are ill, do they want to take
tablets, etc.
 The social component: the person’s housing situation that has
resulted in conditions where tuberculosis is likely to thrive The same is true for mental health problems. They also have biological,
psychological and social components. Many people with mental health
problems receive help from a variety of professionals including doctors,
nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and clinical psychologists,
and between them they are able to look at all of these important components.
There are three main ways in which to help people with mental health
 Biological therapies: medication which acts on the physical
or biological aspects of the problem
 Psychological therapies which help the person to deal with
their feelings
 Social therapies that aim to change the person’s environment
or social circumstances
Therapeutic interventions can include biological interventions, psychological
interventions and social interventions.

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