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what causes of sexual exploitation

what  causes of sexual exploitation The causes and contexts of sexual exploitation are diverse and complex
and underscore the inequalities between those who
prostitute themselves or are forced into prostitution on
the one side (supply), and those who pay for sexual services
on the other (demand).
Gender-Specific and Cultural Aspects Females
account for the major proportion of the victims whereas
more than 90% of the perpetrators are male. One reason
for this striking gender ratio is gender-specific violence
and discrimination. In many societies, females are not
only discriminated in terms of their reproductive, sexual
and physical self-determination, but also suffer legal
disadvantages. However, even if females do enjoy equal
rights according to the respective national law, societies
do not necessarily treat women as legal subjects, which
may be attributed to cultural norms and practices.

Poverty and Transformation Processes Almost all
country-specific surveys on sexual exploitation state a lack of
income sources as the most important driving force
behind the fact that minors prostitute themselves. Sudden collapse of family structures and intra-familial violence can exacerbate the problem. In
some parts of Africa and Asia, AIDS-orphans face
a dramatic risk .Major transformation processes, which are often
accompanied by growing poverty, can lead to erosion
of values and norms. Females are particularly affected
by this, putting them at higher risk of becoming victims
of sexual exploitation. This has for example been the
case in countries of the former Soviet Union.
In regions of armed conflict as well as in post-war situations,
destruction of the basic necessities of life and the accompanying lack of opportunities to generate income make women and children vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Paedo-Sexual “Demand” and the Growing Global
Sex Industry The prerequisite for sexual exploitation is the existence
of a “market”. Demand from adults for sex with
children and for child pornography is on the increase
throughout the world ( paedo-sexual behavior). This
is evident in the global sex industry, which helps to
create a profitable market for child prostitution. Sexual
exploitation of women including minors – alongside
trading in drugs and arms – is one of the most lucrative
illegal businesses worldwide. Growing demand is also
observed in the tourist sector.
Lack of Law Enforcement In many countries legal
action against sexual exploitation is inadequately pursued. Protecting
women and children from sexual exploitation is
often denied high political or legal priority. Inappropriate
criminal prosecution signals a low risk to the perpetrators.

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