Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What does counselling involve?

An NHS counselling service is free and access is through the GP surgery. It usually involves fifty-minute sessions weekly or fortnightly with a trained and accredited psychotherapist or counsellor, experienced in working with people with a variety of emotional problems. All such counselling takes place at the surgery (or clinic) within usual office hours. After an initial session, the counsellor will agree to see you for a number of sessions, according to your need, with occasional reference to the GPwho referred you.

The counselling will inevitably be time-limited (i.e., the number of sessions is limited—sometimes to about six). The counsellor may take or make some notes; however, these will not appear on your medical record. The counsellor will keep what you discuss with them within the strict bounds of professional confidentiality: they can only break this confidentiality under certain extreme circumstances; for example, if by not doing so, the person might harm him or herself or others, or if a court orders them to.

Counselling can help with:

Relationship problems.

Stress, depression, anxiety and low self esteem.

Bereavement and other loss; for example, miscarriage and abortion.

Coming to terms with traumatic events; for example, accidents, life changes, etc.

Sexual difficulties and addictive behavioural patterns.

Coping with violence and abuse.

Work difficulties: bullying, redundancy, problems with colleagues.


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