Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What does drug abuse do to the person?

What does drug abuse do to the person?

Drug abuse causes enormous damage to the person and family.

Mental health problems. Because drugs affect the brain, people who abuse drugs can feel depressed and tense. Some drugs can make the person suspicious and confused.

Physical health problems. Problems can arise as a result of the way a drug is abused. Thus, smoking

a drug can damage the breathing passages and lungs, while injecting a drug can cause infections.

Family problems. Drug abuse often leads to fights and problems in the family.

Accidents. Someone who abuses drugs may have accidents while intoxicated.

Social problems. People who abuse drugs spend so much time taking them that they are usually not able to study, work or participate in everyday life.

Financial problems. Drugs cost money. Because people who take drugs generally have little source

of income, the drug abuse causes poverty.

Legal problems. Some people who abuse drugs may become involved in criminal activities in order to obtain the drug. In most societies, drug abuse itself is a crime and thus a person may be imprisoned if caught using drugs.

Death. Drug abuse can kill people through overdose, serious infections and accidents.

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