Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What drugs are abused?

What drugs are abused?

Drugs that depress the brain. These include opium and heroin. In small doses these drugs make a

person feel relaxed. In larger amounts they make the person drowsy and unconscious. The withdrawal reaction is severe; the person may have a strong urge to take the drug, fever, restlessness, confusion, nausea, diarrhoea, anxiety and convulsions.

Drugs that stimulate the brain. These include cocaine, khat and pills such as ecstasy and ‘speed’

(amphetamines). In small doses, they make the person feel alert and awake. In larger doses the person feels tense, panicky and restless. Users may have difficulty controlling their thoughts and may hallucinate and become suspicious and confused. The withdrawal reaction is typically associated with hunger and fatigue; it is usually mild.

Drugs that make the person hallucinate. Many depressant and stimulant drugs can make a person

hallucinate. Some drugs, such as LSD (or ‘acid’), are specifically used for this experience. LSD can have an effect that lasts more than 12 hours. Some people can become very excited, confused and suspicious when taking these drugs. There is no withdrawal state.

Some people take many drugs at the same time, for example some of the above drugs with tobacco, alcohol or sleeping pills.

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