Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What Happens After Domestic Violence

• Clearly document the woman’s history and any physical injuries. Record details such as exactly
what the woman said her partner did (for example “Woman says partner hit her with a metal pan
at least six times”) and the nature of any injuries (for example “A bruise on the right shoulder
area measuring about 2 cm by 3 cm”). These records may be important in the event of a police
• Many women develop negative feelings about themselves. Reassure the woman that she is not
responsible for the violence.
• If the woman has symptoms of depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, treat appropriately
. If the depression is severe and not responding to counselling, try antidepressants.
• While you should not make decisions for the woman regarding whether she should continue
living with her husband, you should share your concerns if the violence is severe and you feel
that the woman’s life is at risk.
• Involve important people in her life in planning for the future. This could include friends or
relatives who have genuine concern for the woman.
• If the woman has legal problems, or wishes to make a police complaint, refer her to the
appropriate authorities. It can help if you write a note describing the health issues, since the
woman may not get a sensitive hearing from the police.
• If you know the legal situation for women who are victims of violence, then share this
information with her. If you don’t know this, consult a colleague or refer her to a woman’s
support group. For example, in some places judges can restrain a man from
coming near the woman and force him to pay maintenance payments.
• Discuss what the woman will do if violence occurs again. The best immediate course of action is
to recognise when a situation is becoming dangerous and leave the room immediately. For the
longer term, help her plan her actions. Examples of how the woman can plan for her safety are:
• consider where she could go for refuge, for example neighbours (she should make sure that
this place will welcome her in an emergency);
• if there are weapons in the house, hide them;
• save money in case it is needed later;
• leave copies of important documents, such as ration cards and marriage certificates, with
• devise a code word she could use with children or relatives when she feels threatened and
wants help.
• Give information regarding resources for women in your community.
• For more information on helping women..

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