Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

what happens in family therapy?

Most people with intellectual disabilities live with their families or in
‘family’ groups such as group homes where they are supported by staff
teams.Working with the person and their family can boost the therapeutic

Families oftenwant to be involved and can benefit individually and collectively
from the experience. Issues such as loss, isolation, ambivalence, anxieties
about sexuality and concerns about failure can be explored with the
family members helping each other. The roles of various family members
including the individual themselves can be helpfully explored, particularly
where the individual has been assigned a role of being ‘special’. The
person with intellectual disabilities may be helping to keep a family or
parental relationship together or may be the focus of expression of parental relationship difficulties. Siblings may also find themselves trying
to fulfil a role of being special or particularly successful.
Staff or carer groups form part of a complex and dynamic system
around an individual. The interactions of this system together with its
environment can be significant in terms of predisposing, precipitating or
maintaining factors that contribute to behaviour or mental health

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