Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What is a Carer Assessment?

What is a Carer Assessment? During a Carer Assessment you will be asked about what you do for the person you care for and about personal or health issues you might have. An assessment aims to find out if there are any services that could help you, and different options will be discussed with you and with the person you care for. As a carer you can request an assessment of your needs at the same time as the assessment of the person you care for, or at a later time when their needs change or are reviewed. Confidential assessments are offered on
request if there are difficulties or conflicts with the person you care for.
Everything will be written down and it should be available for you to read
and check. It will tell you if any services have been offered, and any other
help you may need. It will list all the tasks you do for the person you care
for and other details discussed during the assessment.
For people who cannot understand the language, interpreters are
usually provided and similarly support is available for people who have a
visual or hearing impairment.
You can contact social services to ask for such an assessment. The telephone
number of your local council social services department will be
found in your telephone directory under local authority and community
information, or you can speak to your GP.
All carers are individuals and your local council may provide any
service to you that will help you care or help you maintain yourwell-being.
You may have some ideas of your own about services that would help you
that you want to talk through with social services. Other services that you
might want to discuss with them are those that may help the person you
look after. Also, your local social services department will tell you about
other organizations that offer help and support to carers and users.
Some issues you may want to think about before you undergo a Carer
 Do you get enough sleep?
 Is your health affected in other ways?
 Are you able to get out and about?
 Do you get any time for yourself?
 Are your other relationships affected?
 Do you want information about benefits?
 Are you worried you may have to give up work?
 Is the person you care for getting enough help?
 What sort of services might help you?
 Services that give you a break

 Emotional support from other carers or people who
 Help with household tasks
 Help with caring tasks during the day/night
 Benefits advice
 Activities for the person you care for
 Local or national support organizations you could contact
 Other help you could get
 Any charges for services
 What to do if you wish to complain

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