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What is ADHD in Children ? Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms

What is ADHD in Children ? Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms

What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

ADHD is an illness that is more common in boys. Children with ADHD will:

• be restless, for example being unable to sit in a chair through a full lesson;

• be fidgety, chattering and interrupting people;

• have difficulty concentrating or paying attention, for example being unable to complete homework;

• be easily distracted and not finish what they have started;

• be impulsive – suddenly doing things without thinking first;

•be unable to wait their turn in games or in talking to others;

• be extremely demanding of attention;

• have problems with learning and studies;

• be disorganised and untidy.

What is ADHD in Children ? Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms

These behaviours are so extreme that they affect the child’s life in many ways:

• At home he will be difficult to discipline and will irritate his parents with his impulsive behaviour and by not listening to them;

• At school he will do poorly in studies and irritate his teacher with his inability to sit quietly and by constantly interrupting the class;

• At play he will irritate his friends by not waiting his turn.


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