Mental health articles

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what is autism spectrum disorder definition

what is autism spectrum disorder definition Autism is a development disability that affects someone’s emotional, social
and mental development. It acts as a vulnerability factor for someone
developing a mental health problem. It consists of a set of features that
must be present for the condition to be diagnosed. The condition varies
from person to person. Some people have accompanying intellectual disabilities
whereas others are of average or above average intelligence. The
core features of autism include impairment in three main areas:
1. Social interaction: people with autism have difficulties in
interpreting social behaviour which affects their ability to
interact with others
2. Communication: people with autism are affected in their ability
to use everyday non-verbal and verbal communication, some
are mute, and others have complex speech
3. Thinking and behaving in a flexible way: people with autism
often have restricted, repetitive and fixed (stereotyped)
behaviours, interests and activities
These features may change throughout life and behaviour problems can
range from severe to milder impairments. In this chapter we have tried to give an overview of all the main issues and problems that you might be
faced with if you care for someone with autism.We hope it will help you to
feel empowered to participate in the management plan of the person you
care for.
A mother of a 37-year-old man with autism said:
My son was always interested in carpentry since he was little. But we
didn’t know he was autistic. He was helping sweeping the floor or
cleaning the machines in his dad’s shop. He used to help at home as well.
He used to love doing my bed. I wasn’t allowed to do my bed; it was his
job. Every day he had to do the same things, a lot of things. He used to
fold the clothes and put them on the floor like little soldiers; so many
things he used to do. I always told him that he was special because all
people are different and praised him when he did something good. I
wished I knew earlier on.
Once my son went to a fast food place for something to eat and
apparently he sat next to some girls. They objected and they told him to
move away and he didn’t because he said this was his seat, why should he
move? So they pushed him and I think he pushed them back, so they
phoned their boyfriends on the mobile and somebody came and chased
him. Then this man started hitting my son. Since that day I noticed that
his behaviour changed, he became more aggressive. He started fighting
with his brothers because he wanted things. You know, he kept saying ‘I
want to go out’, ‘Why should I be different?’, he kept crying and he
started turning over the furniture.

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