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what is mental retardation disorder?

What is mental retardation (MR)? what is mental retardation disorder?
Mental retardation means that mental functions are ‘retarded’ or, in other words, not as well developed as expected for the age of the child. Children with mental retardation have difficulty with learning new things. The disability may affect all aspects of a child’s development, from
learning how to sit and walk to learning how to talk and eat. Mental retardation is not an illness, but a condition present from an early stage of life (usually from birth) which lasts for the rest of the person’s life. There is no cure or treatment for mental retardation. However, there is much
that can be done to improve the quality of life for the child and family. Mental retardation can be mild, moderate or severe. The vast majority of children with mental retardation have the mild variety. You can identify the degree of mental retardation from a careful history of the child’s development.

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