Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

what is music therapy used to treat

what is music therapy used to treat Music therapy in Britain has been used within the field of intellectual disabilities
for many years. The therapist helps the person to achieve change,
using musical experiences and the relationships that develop through

Sessions normally take place weekly over a period of time and, in common
with other therapies, consistency and trust is important. Although the
emphasis is on playing or listening to live music as a means of developing
the relationship, it is not necessary for the person to have any musical
training or apparent ability.
The music therapist will provide a selection from a wide range of
instruments. People are offered the opportunity to play any of these, or
choose to vocalize, move around or simply sit and listen. The therapist
pays attention to the quality of the person’s music or actions and responds with improvised music. This can support, contain and challenge in a
similar way to spoken language but it also reaches and engages people at a
different level.

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