Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

what is social intervention?social intervention definition

what is social intervention?social intervention definition  A social intervention is something that is done to help the person by
changing an aspect of their environment or social circumstances.
As part of the assessment process clinicians will try to find out what
factors or events contributed to the development of the mental health
problem. These factors might be of a social nature, i.e. at school, family, at
work or a day centre.When they have been identified, it may be possible to
intervene and manipulate them by changing the environment or the situation.
In other words a social intervention might be useful.
When a person finds him or herself in a situation that doesn’t meet
their needs or wants (e.g. unemployment, homelessness, low level of stimulation
and scarcity of attention, not being given the opportunity to make
own decisions) they can be affected by environmental factors. For
example, a person may develop an anxiety disorder if their job requirements
change and the person is stretched beyond their resources. By
adapting the job requirements to match their skills, the person’s anxiety
disorder might settle. If the anxiety disorder persists then more changes to
environmental factors may be needed. Or it might be that a combination of
psychological and biological (medication) interventions is needed aswell.
Social interventions can address areas such as housing, financial assistance,
education, social activities, family and peer relationships and mixing
with others, leisure and so on.

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