Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What may happen long term for child with autism?

Autism changes over time. Unfortunately in the young child with autism
there is no way of knowing with confidence what the long-term outcome
will be. Some characteristics of autism may change as the person grows
older but the main social, communication and behavioural difficulties
persist. Adolescence can bring the development of symptoms such as
aggressive or obsessive compulsive behaviour, and an increase in anxiety,
tension and mood disturbance.
During adulthood the majority of people with autism and intellectual
disabilities are likely to require some level of support. It is usually those
adults who can communicate that are able to live independently and
remain in employment; however, some difficulties with social interaction
remain. The majority of people with autism will experience behavioural,
emotional and social problems throughout life, but nevertheless will
improve and gradually become more independent.

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