Mental health articles

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What the mental problems the 5 dream reflect?

Dreams reflect the psychology What the psychological problems the 5 dream reflect? Dream 1: Bleeding Whether the dream of their own, or someone else to bleed, represents you devote too much into something, such as busy business or processing some life events .Therefore your energy and strength are not timely recovery and complement. Dream 2: The house is on fire Dream of a house on fire, that reflects you've been under great pressure. Many women met worried things, have this kind of dream. Dream 3: Driving Dreaming of driving is a good thing,reflects you did well,made progress. However, if the dream of brake failure, it implies that you may be drunkenness, or the working intensity is too large, need to control. Dream 4: Fall Dream of falling from the stairs or the high places , often means trouble, such as having cash-strapped ,the relationship of friends getting bad and ect .Doing this kind of dream, you need to take action in time,to prevent adverse event If you are easily coming across setbacks and get frustration. Dream 5: Drowning In the dream, the water usually represents a person's mood. If the water pose a risk to you in the dream, that means you have a bad mood. Therefore, dreaming of drowning, means that the burden you bear is too heavy, makes you feel suffocated.

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