Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What to do about Domestic Violence

TWhat to do about Domestic Violence
• Try to involve the husband in marital counselling.
• See the woman at regular intervals. If you are treating her for depression, then see her at least
once a week.
• The difficulty in dealing with victims of violence is knowing what to do if the husband refuses
to change and the woman cannot leave. Never give up on trying to work with the man. Sometimes, the man may himself come to you for some different reason. Bring up the issue at this time. In the meantime, you can consider the following options for the woman:
• make a police complaint (some men will back off when the police get involved);
• share the news with the wider family and hoping that they will apply some pressure on the husband;
• start planning for separation (examine the woman’s concerns about separation and help her think of ways in which they can be overcome);
• refer her to a woman’s support group from whom she can seek advice.

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