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What to Do for Depression Without Medicine

What to Do for Depression Without Medicine • Listen to the adolescent’s account of his feelings and what he
is worried about. Do not be in a hurry. If you do not have time
immediately, then tell him to come back later, when you have
more time.
• Help the adolescent to make the link between his feelings and
the stressful situation he is facing. Often, understanding this
link helps to make the symptoms less frightening.
• Suggest that you could talk to his parents (and teachers, if
possible) and share his concerns with them. Often, the
adolescent will not have been able to share his feelings with
his parents and this will have made the problem even worse –
he behaves in a sulky manner, his parents get fed up with
him, and he feels even more unhappy. An open discussion of
the problems with the family can help.
• Make practical suggestions. For example, if an adolescent has
become stressed because he is having difficulties with a
particular subject, write a note to his teacher explaining this.
The teacher may help by giving the adolescent more time after
regular school hours to help him make up for his difficulties.
• Teach the adolescent relaxation exercises .
What to Do for Depression Without Medicine This may help concentration. For other symptoms such as tiredness and sleep problems, give advice as suggested elsewhere in the manual.
• Teach the adolescent problem-solving techniques to cope with the stresses he is facing.
• Advise him to avoid using alcohol or tobacco or drugs.
• Ask him to come back and see you regularly until he is feeling better. Improvement can be judged by the adolescent feeling more positive about his future, sharing his feelings with others, and better performance in school.
• If none of the above steps help, try using antidepressants .


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