Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What to do for postnatal psychosis

What to do for postnatal psychosis

• The mother may need to be hospitalised for a few days. Refer her to the nearest mental health or other appropriate hospital.

• Use antipsychotic medicines to bring the illness under control. You can use haloperidol, 5–10 mg a day, or other antipsychotic medicines. Sleeping medicines at night will help the woman get adequate rest.

• Advise the family that the mother should not nurse the infant if she is receiving antipsychotic medicines. The baby needs to be cared for by a relative until the mother is calmer.

• Allow the mother as much time and contact with her baby as she wishes. As she improves, encourage her gradually to take over her role of mother.

• Continue the medicines for at least six weeks.

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