Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

what to do panic attacks anxiety

what to do panic attacks anxiety  • Reassure the person, specifically about the following:
• The symptoms are not a sign of serious physical illness. However, it is important that this reassurance is given only if you have completed a thorough physical examination and appropriate laboratory tests.
• The symptoms are not a sign that the person is going mad.
• If relevant, the symptoms are not a sign of witchcraft or spirit possession.
• Explain that worrying is the cause of the symptoms and that the symptoms can make the person even more worried. The way to break this cycle is for the person to reassure herself when the symptoms start that they are only the result of worrying.
• Teach the person breathing and relaxation exercises.

• Changing attitudes and ways of thinking are a very important part of treatment. It is necessary for the person to view her situation in a more positive manner . These are some examples of such ‘positive thinking’.
• Give specific advice on panic attacks or phobias.

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