Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What to do to prevent suicide attempt

What to do when the family is not interested
You will need to rely on the family for supporting the person, particularly during the period just after a suicide attempt. If, however, there is conflict or violence in the family or the family is not interested, you may need to think of alternatives. Remember that you should discuss these alternatives first with the person who made the attempt and then follow one or more of the following actions:
• Refer to a women’s group or shelter. Contact the local women’s groups or shelters. Ask them if they can arrange for temporary relief accommodation

• Contact other family members. For example, if a woman is being harassed by her in-laws, you could contact her parents or other relatives.
• Contact friends, such as neighbours, or members of a religious group.
• Encourage the person to seek support through religious leaders.

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