Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

What’s the mentality of those who are always tend to interrupting?

 In our lives,there are someone who are always accustomed to breaking in and talking incessantly.So why and what do they think about their behavior?

   We all have noticed an interesting phenomenon that children are prone to interrupting which may be attributed to the common process of psychological development,“self-centeredness” .At that time, they consider people around them are always focusing on themselves,rarely care others.However,they will get away from the behavior with the mature of psychology.In this point,interrupting is a kind of immature performance.Besides,the anxiety from huge pressures and the immature communicating techniques may all be reasons.

   The performance of interrupting have an big influence on relationship. First,the behavior is rude and will ignore other’s feeling in some degree.Then,it will urge them forming the habit of self-approbation and cannot accept opinions objectively.Hence,people who are prone to interrupt need to learn view themselves and others objectively.During the conservation,remembering think twice before saying,given others more opportunities to showing.If we meet someone like this,we need to give them more chances to show themselves before start a dialog,listen their ideas,then ask,“can I say something now?”You can also remind them that“Would you mind just stop interrupting when I am saying ?” which will make them adjust their communication mode.

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