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When Is Drinking Too Much

When Is Drinking Too Much?How much drinking is ‘too much’?

Alcoholic drinks are used in many cultures around the world. Some types are international, such as beer and whisky. Other alcoholic drinks are unique to the local culture, such as chibuku in Zimbab we and feni in Goa (India). In some places, people brew alcohol at home. Illegally brewed alcohol can contain dangerous,even lethal chemicals. Most people who drink do so once in awhile, in the company of friends. Some people drink more regularly but never drink more than a moderate amount every day. There aresome people who drink too much. This is when you need to become concerned.

When drinking starts causing health or social difficulties for the person, then the person is drinking too much. Some people may drink too much yet manage to live normally. You must be concerned about such people as well, since sooner or later, the drinking problem will affect their health. Some drinkers say that they can ‘hold their drink’ well, as if this means that they do not have a problem. In fact, when the body becomes used to the effects of alcohol, this iscalled tolerance. Tolerance is itself a sign that the person is drinking too much. By the time adrinker’s health is affected, the problems are very serious. Thus, the early detection of a drinking problem is an important part of health promotion and illness prevention.

People who drink too much alcohol often do so every day. There is also another type of drinking pattern which is very dangerous. This is drinking very heavily for a few days at a time. For example,some people drink only at weekends, but then consume a large amount of alcohol. This is called

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