Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

When should you suspect mental retardation?

When should you suspect mental retardation?
Suspect mental retardation if a child:
• is delayed in achieving key milestones
• has difficulties in school work and playing with other children;
• is not able to carry out instructions.
Suspect mental retardation if an adolescent:
• has difficulties in social relationships with other adolescents;
• shows inappropriate sexual behaviour;
• is not able to learn at the same rate as other students in class.
Suspect mental retardation if an adult:
• has difficulties in everyday functioning (e.g. cooking, cleaning);
• has problems in social adjustment (e.g. making friends, finding work).
Moderate to severe mental retardation is usually detected in a child under two years. When mental retardation is first detected in an adolescent or adult, it is usually mild. This is why it escaped
being detected in childhood and showed up as a problem only when the person was faced with new responsibilities later in life.


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