Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

When to use anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressant drugs

When to use anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressant drugs

Two types of medication can be used: anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressant drugs.

Anti-anxiety medication can be used but not for more than six weeks. It should be used only in

special situations such as:

• The anxiety is so great that the person is not able to listen or understand your advice.

• The person is very tense following a severe life event such as the death of a spouse.

• The person is so tense that he has not slept well for many days and is now tired. A good night’s sleep may aid recovery.

The medicines you could use are:

• diazepam, 5 mg twice daily;

• alprazolam, 0.25–0.5 mg twice daily;

• amitriptyline or imipramine, 25 mg at night.

Antidepressant medication can be very useful if:

• there are repeated panic attacks;

• the person is depressed;

• the worrying lasts more than four weeks despite your explanation and breathing exercises.

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