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when to use sleeping pills

When to use sleeping pills

when to use sleeping pills?Sleeping pills are medicines containing diazepam, lorazepam, nitrazepam and so on. They are among the commonest medicines used in the world. This fact alone shows us how frequent complaints of insomnia are. However, sleeping medicines produce an artificial sleep. They are all addictive, so that once a person becomes used to taking them, she will not be able to sleep without them. The best way to avoid such problems is to follow these rules:

• Do not prescribe sleeping medicines for people with long-standing difficulties with sleep or those with a history of addictions (such as to alcohol).

• If you must use them, monitor the person closely.

• Give a week’s supply of a sleeping medicine, for example diazepam 5–10 mg at night or lorazepam 1–2 mg at night. Ask the person to return in a week.

when to use sleeping pills • If the person is feeling better, stop the medicine. Do not prescribe sleeping pills for more than four weeks. The prescription should be for one week at a time so that you can review the person each week.

• Give advice on how to sleep better.

For guidance on how to help a person who has been using sleeping medicines for a long time.

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