Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Who is responsible for child’s poor ability

    Some children have poor self-care ablity, this is bad for child’s tuture.What is the reason for this?

  ”I have a child who is in high school,he has poor sele-care ability,and is easy to forget many things.”a parent askd.for example,I buy bike for him.but he lost five bike intotle ,konw nothing about it.he grow up without me,i often think i own much to him.I want to treat him as well as much.he behave well most time,when i was angry,he willsay,”you don’t know how to look after child for many years.I will feel sad when i heard this.i almost put food and cloth to his mouth and he do nothing.he stilll say i dont know child,i really don’t know how to treat him.
Consultants solutions,from the view of psychologital,the age from 4 to10 is the rtansition to contact social.before age 3,children don’t depend on parents deeply.between this age,child will play with child,but the formation of habit and feeling is still depend on parent, want to stay with them.
If parents lost the change to contact with children,children will have feeling of complain,and the mother could understand and to make up.this will cause a situation that parents will do anything to satisfied children.That children don’t have responsiblity is related with parent’s too much care.
many do the things that what children should do,and not know this is their or child’s need.child should do much to be responsibility,but parents do this for compensation the children will stay at the age ,don’t improve.all will be done by parents,children will think depenment is useless.
Raising child is not ersy for parents.don’t have owes psychological.
The past has become fact,do well now,be friend with child.not to be a nanny.
this is what children really need.

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