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why do people feel tired
Why do some people feel tired?
why do people feel tired?Tiredness is one of the commonest reasons for feeling unwell. Tiredness can present in many ways. One way is feeling fatigued all the time. When this is severe, even minor activities such as getting dressed can seem difficult. Another common way of expressing tiredness is “feeling weak” or “having no energy” to do things. Tiredness is often accompanied by a strong desire to sleep (though often the person cannot sleep) or to just lie down.
why do people feel tired?Many people feel tired because of viral or other common infections. In such cases, the tiredness will have started only a few days earlier. Whenever tiredness has been present for less than two weeks, you should treat it as if it is probably caused by an infection. If tiredness lasts more than two weeks, it becomes ‘chronic’ tiredness or ‘chronic fatigue’.
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