Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Why do some mothers become disturbed after childbirth?

There are many reasons why some mothers become disturbed
after childbirth:
• the extra work of being a mother, such as looking after the
childbirth is an event of great emotional significance and
such events can trigger depression;
• the loss of independence for the mother;
• the change in the relationship between the mother and father;
• cultural factors, such as having a girl in some societies being a source of disappointment;
• during childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes many physical
and hormonal changes, which can lead to mental disturbances;

• women who have unhappy marriages or who had difficult deliveries are more likely to develop mental health problems.
As well as childbirth itself being a cause of mental disturbance, it is of course also possible for a mentally ill woman to become pregnant.

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