Mental health articles

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why drop out of school

why drop out of school When a child drops out of school
In many places dropping out of school is a major problem. There
are, of course, many reasons for children leaving school, such as poverty and poor school facilities. Not completing school could have a negative influence on physical and mental health when the child grows up. Thus, making efforts to keep children in school is a key mental health promotion activity. Tackling school drop-out requires cooperation between school authorities, health workers and social workers based in the community. Ideally, a child surveillance team should be formed which includes these people. A health worker’s role in that team is to identify and manage any health problems. Reducing school drop-out could involve some of the following activities:
• A warning system should be developed whereby children who drop out are referred to the child surveillance team.
• why drop out of school The reasons need to be identified for any child dropping out. This could involve home visits to speak to the child and family. Family-based issues that can cause school drop-out include lack of proper parental guidance and lack of interest in a child’s education, especially the education of girls. The teacher would provide information on the child’s behaviour and learning abilities.
Some mental health problems, in particular a learning problem, hyperactivity and child abus , can lead to children struggling with studies and leaving school.
• Interventions should be made to get children back to school. These could include:
• raising parental awareness about their child’s education;
• improving communication between parents and teachers;
• providing educational assessments for children with learning problems;
• liaising with school teachers when punishment, bullying or other school factors are identified as a cause;
• providing individual counselling to children who have emotional reasons for avoiding school.
• Follow-up evaluation is required for all children referred to the team. This is essential to ensure that children have returned to school and their problems are being adequately addressed.

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