Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Why is infant mental health important?

Why is infant mental health important? The relationship between any particular early experience and later infant outcome is not a simple linear one (Zeanah, Boris & Larrieu, 1997). Development proceeds as a complex series of interactions between the innate qualities of infants, their experiences in interaction with their physical and social world, and their capacity to influence and change their environment. There is increasing evidence that those infants and children most at risk of adverse developmental outcomes are those who experience an accumulation of risk factors (Ferguson & Horwood, 2003). There is also evidence from attachment research that the quality of infant–caregiver relationships can act both as a protective and a risk factor, in combination with or as a result of other adversities (Goldberg, 2000). Clinicians are increasingly aware that paying more attention to the quality of the relationship between infants and parents can have a positive effect on both the presenting problem and their longer term relationship. Infants are not passive recipients of care, but active agents influencing their own lives and environments. This does not rule out the need to acknowledge the very particular physical and emotional vulnerability of the human infant and their absolute dependence upon their caregivers for adequate care and protection. The inclusion of mental health as a core aspect of assessment in all situations involving infants and their parents acknowledges the centrality of relationships and psychosocial factors in human development and well-being.

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