Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Why is rape a health issue?

Why is rape a health issue?
Rape is one of the most terrifying experiences a person can experience. In some places, the woman
experiences the double blow of suffering rape and then being discriminated against by members of
her community. Because rape involves both physical violence and mental torture, it is extremely
damaging to a woman’s health. Rape can lead to:
• unwanted pregnancy;
• sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS);
• physical injuries, such as bruises, tears, cuts or fractures;
• mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

The health impact of rape:

(A) Unwanted pregnancies.
(B) Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
(C) Physical injuries such as bruises, tears, cuts or fractures.
(D) Mental health problems such as PTSD and depression.


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