Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Why People Drink Too Much

Why People Drink Too Much Why do some people drink too much?

Many people start drinking by trying out alcohol when they are teenagers. Easy availability of alcohol and peer pressure are important reasons why they start drinking. While many teenagers only experiment with alcohol, some start drinking more regularly. Most people drink sensibly and do not damage their health or family life. Drinking can also start later in life, for example in middle age, particularly at a time of stress. Drinking problems may arise when alcohol is used to help a person cope with difficulties. Some people, especially those who drink regularly, develop a physical and psychological need to have a drink. This is called dependence or addiction. If someone with an alcohol addiction does not get a drink, he will start feeling physically sick; this is called a withdrawal syndrome. The withdrawal sickness is temporarily relieved by drinking more alcohol, but this only serves to keep the dependence going.

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