Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


Misuse of drugs and alcohol is an increasing social problem. Alcohol dependence
affects around 8 per cent of adults and 13 per cent use illicit drugs. These figures
are likely to be underestimates. Substance misuse is common among young
people. Opiate addiction represents a significant social issue and there are
around 250 000 heroin users in Australia. The NSW Child Death Review Team
(2000) noted that infants less than 12 months old of drug- and alcoholdependent
parents are over-represented in child death statistics. It is difficult to
estimate the number of women who give birth each year with a substance-use
problem, as most women do not disclose substance abuse. Women who misuse
substances are less likely to have regular ante-natal care and their problems may
often go undetected.
Many factors including the type of drug and the nature of its use influence
the effect on the developing foetus and whether the newborn experiences
withdrawal. A range of physical and developmental problems may also occur in

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