Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

women are more prone to overeating because of emotions

women are more prone to overeating because of emotions

     what should we do when we are down,the most direct way is to eat,eat crazily,just like the cool and sweet ice cream  ,cakes,spicy hot pot,and all kinds of  snakes.this is a lot of  women's choice.In fact,we only want to find a outlet for negative emotions by taste stimulation.

      According to phychology study,pressure  can lead to a higher level of cortisol and then stimulate the desire of delicious food.Influenced by emotions,people are more likely to choose cookies ,cakes and chocolate.This kind of phenomenon is more obvious in females.

     what is called"emotional  eating"It is related to  the change of our daily  meal  mode and habit,then it lead to crazy eating of no hungry.Especially when we are down,stressful ,and unhappy ,we will want to eat very much ,and it's difficult to control.

1.whatever the reason is,having a big meal can be a good way to decrese  pressure,but we are aways of guilt and pain after this kind if behavior.eating too much when you  are not hungry is a condtional reflect,it can disappear or it can occur again.For example ,when you are in this kind of conditon,to deal with it ,you must be sure time ,the theme or the atomsphere when you are depressed and lead to "Emotional eating".maybe it is because of the weather ,a call from your parents or the problems in your job or the unhappiness with your friends.  diffrent reactions to your emotions

    once you make sure the reason why you depressed,you can have diffrent reactions to your can call your parents and friends,

spend some time on drinking tea and appreciating the seting sun.Or you will

find having a walk or listening to music all can be  very helpful.The key is to kown"eating crazily is not the best way,especially when you are controlling your weight.Unless you understand the reason of your "emotional eating",you will never have a new reation to it.when you choose have more food to decrease your pressure ,you must kown,there are more useful ways. attention to your emotions

   depressed emotions will have a deep  influence to you future life and your heathy.So you must pay attention to your negative emotions, the time,then reasons.If you have bad emotions freqently,you should kown what you really need.Maybe you feel the life is so boring,just to creat the happiness in you own life.

4.Satisfy your emotional need

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